Why Use a GPS Fleet Tracking System?

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In the fleet management sector, it is true you cannot manage what you cannot measure. The traditional approach to journey management is for a personnel to call in before departure and call in again upon arrival at a destination. The inherent risk is you are blind and know nothing during the transit which will  put you constantly at an edge.

The Solution? A GPS Fleet Tracking System

A GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking device allows real time  monitoring of a vehicle, even a  fleet.  With this device, you can track all aspects of your fleet's performance and ensure every mile of your business is making profits.

What it can do for you

To date, a GPS car tracker is the most celebrated truck tracking monitoring technology because of the several benefits you can gain.

Protect Valuable Assets And Improve Rate of Asset Recovery

Plant, equipment and mobile assets are often vulnerable to theft or misuse especially when project sites are in remote locations. With a GPS fleet tracking system, you will be alerted via email or SMS when your assets depart or are removed from their allocated zones without permission. You will receive full location report as well as how fast the vehicle is moving which can  help law enforcement personnel to immediately track and recover your asset .

Using the same device, you can monitor vehicle utilisation as you will also be provided with a utilisation report on when, where and how many times the ignition was turned on and off in a particular day. This helps you reduce unauthorized weekend activities with your assets.

Offer Peace of Mind to Lone Workers

Vehicle incidents happen and should a lone worker get involved in an incident, you can quickly identify emergency and dispatch search and rescue crews without delay to an exact location. High-tech GPS tracking device can even provide real time driver feedback in case of harsh braking, acceleration, cornering or speeding events creating driver safety awareness for every journey. In case of a crash, come GPS tracker automatically sends notifications of impact to a senior personnel.

Maximise productivity without expanding your current team  (and save on gas as well!)

A GPS tracker comes with a built-in electronic map that allows you to view the exact location of your vehicle while on journey. It can provide you with traffic-free routes for a faster delivery. As such, you can save on gas, deliver early or on time as well as send the nearest vehicle to a rush job. You will also monitor if your teams render efficient time with a client and ensure KPI's are met. All these have a significant impact on your bottom line.

Immediate return of Investment

Since you benefit from real time information needed to make informed, smart decisions, you will experience immediate return of investment without prohibitive capital outlay.

See how powerful a GPS vehicle tracking system is? Imagine what a single tracking system can do to your business in terms of boosting your process as well as in developing a more effective and efficient operation allocations. And these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg.

Since you can track, manage and measure all aspects of your fleet's performance, you can develop strategies to minimise loss and eventually ensure that all aspects of your business are making profits. Find out more on how your business can significantly improve its cash flow with a GPS truck tracking device.

Ask for an information pack or request for an online demo with the leading fleet management products and service provider in Australasia, Securatrak at 1300 653 395

You can also email us at sales@securatrak.com.au or visit http://www.securatrak.com.au/Solutions/Fleet-Vehicle-Tracking



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