This should go without saying, but electricity is extremely dangerous. But, it’s understandable that, beyond the general understanding that it can do damage to you, that people don’t entirely understand what electricity even is. We are taught about it in school, but unless we work with electricity on a fundamental level, this isn’t important knowledge to our everyday lives, so most of us forget it.
In fact, unless you are something like a level 2 electrician, this is something that is so abstract and obtuse, that most of us never fully understand it. This is not a failure on anyone’s part, electricity is a strange force.
However, I want people to take to heart how dangerous electricity is, and it’s not just in how it can produce deadly shocks, it can be lethal in many other ways as well. This is why you need a level 2 electrician in Sutherland Shire, because not only could you severely injure yourself by getting a hold of something you shouldn’t, but there are other ways in which electricity can kill you quickly, or at best, ruin your life.
Understanding electricity!
First, let’s understand what electricity actually is. When you break things down past the molecular level to the atomic, simplifying things, there are three basic particles that atoms are made of. These are protons, neutrons and electrons. I am simplifying greatly here, for both my sanity and yours, dear reader, but electrons are the negatively-charged particles that exists on the perimeter of atoms.
Electrons don’t like to just sit on their own, and when released, they tend to want some sort of conductive medium that they can travel across, to achieve another state of ground with another set of atoms elsewhere. This is electricity – electrons traveling along a conductive medium from one state of rest to another. This is a severe simplification, but there you go. The energy they carry, and the strange way in which they interact with certain chemicals and materials is how we get things like computation, heat, work through electric motors and anything else of electricity can do for us.
An invisible killer!
You can’t see electricity. If you think you’ve seen it, such as with lightning or electrical arcs, what you are actually seeing is superheated gas caused by electricity arcing through said gas. The electricity itself is invisible, and far sooner than the filaments you see. So, you can never tell by visible inspection whether or not a piece of conductive material is “hot”. Many people over the course of the past 200 years have met untimely demise as a result of this. You see, our bodies are powered by electricity as well, and we aren’t very well-engineer nor insulated, so severe foreign charges through our bodies and scramble our circuitry and stop our hearts, damage our nerves and even shut our brains down.
However, mishandled wiring can also result in shorts or grounding issues which result in electrical fires, or ozone/carbon monoxide poisoning. These are varying levels of lethal, but you want neither to happen. A level 2 electrician knows how to safely work on this stuff, and how to install and maintain in a way where these risks are negligible.
It doesn’t matter how smart you are, if you aren’t educated in electricity and you don’t have the know-how, don’t mess with this stuff yourself. Leave it to a level 2 electrician Sutherland Shire.
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