What is Tree Kit and What makes it Suitable for you?

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Why should you plant trees?

48 pounds of harmful carbon dioxide is absorbed by a single tree yearly. If we calculate how much carbon dioxide a tree can sequester by the time it reaches the age of 40, it turns out to be 1 ton! However, you don’t have to wait 40 years for the magic to happen. Planting 10 trees today can get you the same results in the next four years.

Oxygen needs of up to four adults can be met by one large tree’s daily oxygen supply. Another benefit of the trees is that every single adult tree has the capability of pulling up to 100 gallons of water out of the ground and transpiring it into the environment each day.

How to Make the Choice of Plant?

It is essential to before choosing the seed kit what seed to plant that you go through the environmental needs of that very plant. Different environmental factors can contribute positively or negatively when it comes to growing a plant. These factors can be a flow of the wind, the type of soil in the area, moisture within the soil, level of pollution, humidity, and most importantly the temperature changes which are crucial for the eruption of a baby plant from the seed coat. There are other factors as well such as:

  1. Taking care in choosing the favorable landscape for the growing plant

  2. Learning about the appropriate planting process

  3. The size and health of the chosen baby plant tree kit also determine their survival.

Suitable plants for the region that you live in can be found on the internet.

Short of Space but Filled with Love for Trees?

The answer to this problem is tree kits and seed kits. These trees contained in a box have the potential of growing into a full-size tree when placed in the yard. However, if someone wishes to maintain them as Bonsai, they can be kept in a small pot as well. The idea is to restrict their roots from growing which keeps the tree the same throughout its life cycle. These seed kits are usually great for people who are bad with planting trees. It is because they come with a guarantee that one of the seed from the seed has to sprout otherwise they send you a new seed kit. These seed kits come with a manual describing the tender process of growing a tree and guiding you through the whole process.

Play your Part in Preventing Global Warming

Reducing global warming can be considered as raising child, a slow tender process requiring input from every individual of the society at the same time. Otherwise, there is no guarantee how either of these will turn out. Earth is our only home, and planting trees can go a long way in preserving it in its best form for our generations to come. If every one of us plants a tree every month, we can together leave the earth a better place!



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