Ways to Save on Utility Costs this Summer in Melbourne

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1. Don’t let the warm summers rise your electricity bills : Summer is Coming. The time of the year when people love to go to the beach to get a natural tan or take a dip in the ocean, enjoy parties, outdoor cinemas exhibitions, late night art, swimming, and other outdoor activities. No matter how much you love this season but you need to make sure your home is ready to combat the scorching summer heat.

Take a look at the following effective energy saving tips and maintain the comfortable temperatures in your indoors this summer:

2. Get smart with your thermostat : Nowadays people are busier than ever. With the hectic lifestyle it even becomes difficult to manage our schedules, so why waste your time on remembering to work the system when system itself can do the work for you. Go for a smart thermostat to control your utility bills as they automatically adjust your home’s indoor climate while you are away.

3. Opt for Fans : Another easy and effective way to keep your home indoors easy and breezy by using ceiling fans as they are perfect for cooling an entire room and many homes come equipped, so there is no purchase required. In case you don’t have one, you can buy portable fans since they are affordable and readily available at any big-box store or home goods. With a good fan, you can raise your thermostat to 4º, and you get the same level of comfort at the same time. So, lower your AC temperature and turn your fans to keep your indoors comfy and breezy.

4. Keep the Sun Out : Summers are great for picnics, beaches, sunsets, and tanning. However, when it comes to sleeping in on the weekends and keeping your indoors cool, the harsh and hot sunlight streaming in can make it difficult, causing you to spend extra on AC. So, what do you do to keep this light out? Consider drawing the blinds during the hot days, especially if your windows face south or instead of light fabric curtains use blackout curtains to block out the sun.

5. Use LED Lighting : After you have managed to block out the sun, you have to make sure the light you choose for you indoors. Incandescent bulbs use 90% into heat and on the other hand LED bulbs not only operate at a lower wattage but also produce half as much heat, last 50 times longer and use 75% less energy than traditional bulbs. So, save your money on replacement costs and electricity by choosing LED bulbs.

6. Avoid using hot water : Do you know 85-90% of energy is used by washing machine to heat the water? So, doing your laundry on cold water and drying your clothes outside will save you a significant amount of electricity. You can apply the same logic to dishes as well. Use cold water to clean them and instead of using drying cycle let them air dry.

Also, make sure you adjust your water heater so that you don’t have to pay extra. For heating installations, hot water and gas heater repairs consider hiring gas plumbers in Melbourne from reputable companies like Craig’s Gas & Plumbing.

7. Use the Microwave and Barbeque : It can be unbearable to cook in a hot kitchen, especially when it is steamy outside also. Ovens, stains are few heat-producing appliances that can raise the temperature of your kitchen by 10º. To avoid the sweat and higher utility bills, consider using microwave as it only uses 33% the energy that an oven does. Another best way to keep the heat out of your kitchen is by cooking outdoors. Cook steak or burgers on the grill or invite your loved ones for a barbecue.

Staying cool and comfortable during hot summers doesn’t mean to have high electricity bills. Follow these energy saving tips to reduce your utility bills and use that extra money to spend on outdoor activities.



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