Waste water is hazardous if not treated through plants

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Wastewater treatment is a critical process that is followed by industries across the world to contribute to environment. Waste water treatment plants India suppliers are making their range of plants as per the standards set by the national and international bodies. Waste water is formed through several sources including bathing, washing, toilet waste, and rainwater runoff. Wastewater is a polluted form of water that has many contaminants like bacteria, chemicals, and other harmful toxins. The treatment of wastewater aims at reducing the contaminants to acceptable levels to treat water and discharge into environment.

Waste Water Treatment Plant india

Water that is no longer fit for use and includes more contaminants is known as wastewater. You have to treat wastewater to reduce pollution in water bodies. The process is done by following many steps with the help of precision plants and machines.

waste water treatment plants india

Fig – Wastewater treatment process and its various stages

Let’s dig out these stages in detail-

  • Wastewater collection

This is the initial step taken by wastewater plants runner. Collection systems are put in place by home owners, municipal administration and business owners to ensure that all the wastewater is gathered and taken to the central point. This collected water is taken to the plant for further treatment.

  • Odor control

At the plant, experts treat the odor of wastewater. Since it has lots of dirty substances that cause a foul smell over time, odor treatment process is performed at the treatment plant. In this process, experts use chemicals to neutralize the foul smell producing elements. This is the first treatment performed by the plant.

  • Screening

This is the next step that involves the removal of large objects for instant cotton buds, nappies, diapers, plastics, rags, face wipes, broken bottles, or other damaged equipments. In the plant, there is specialized equipment used to get rid of grit, which is washed down inside the sewer lines during rain. The collected waste is later removed and transported and landfill.

  • Primary treatment

Primary treatment of wastewater involves the separation of macrobiotic solid matter from the wastewater. Primary treatment is done by treating wastewater inside big tanks, where solids are settled at the surface. The sludge or solid waste settled at the tanks surface is removed by large scrappers and is pushed to the center of the cylindrical tanks and pumped out of the tanks for further treatment. The rest of the water is forwarded to secondary treatment phase.

  • Secondary treatment

This treatment is also known as activated sludge process. Air is first pumped inside the huge aeration tanks that mix the wastewater with the seed sludge and boost the growth of bacteria. This bacteria uses oxygen and small microorganisms consume the remaining organic matter. In this process, large particles are formed and settled down at the bottom of the huge tanks. The wastewater is passes through the large tanks for 3-6 hours.

  • Bio solids handling

All the solid matter is directed to digesters. These digesters are heated at room temperature. The solid waste collected is treated for a month through anaerobic digestion process. Methane gases are produced and nutrient rich bio-solids are formed and later recycled and dewatered inside local farms.

  • Tertiary treatment

This stage is similar to the drinking water treatment plants that clean raw water and make it potable. In this process, 99% of impurities are removed from water.

  • Disinfection

Disinfecting mixture of chlorine and sodium hypochlorite is used to eliminate some disiease causing organisms inside the treated wastewater.

  • Sludge treatment

Sludge collected from the primary and secondary processes is transferred to the thickening tanks that allow it to settle down and later extracted from the water. This is a time consuming process that runs for 24 hours. Remaining sludge is sent to huge aeration tanks for further treatment. Treated sludge is used in agriculture.

All these steps are done by proficient experts that know the best use of treatment plants. For more details about waste water and its treatment, you can anytime contact the suppliers of Waste Water Treatment Plants India. Write your query and wait for the experts to respond you.



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