Start Using Carpooling Services- Step into the Pollution and Traffic-Free World

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Traffic is not only a nuisance for drivers and public it is also the public health hazard and bad news for the economy on the whole. Transportation industry spends $160 billion for congestion; it includes 7 billion hours waste of time sitting in traffic and extra three billion gallons of fuel burned.An MIT study suggests that using carpooling services from companies like Uber and Lyft will reduce the traffic jams. The reason for this is it reduces the number of taxis on the roads and it will not impact the travel time.Instead of transporting one at a time, drivers can transport three or four at a time depending on the vehicle type. So that drivers can earn more money and they can save their time and effort. They can drive few trips and earn the same amount of money, which they earn from multiple rides. On the whole, carpooling will be beneficial to the driver, passenger and the pollution at last.

The research team found that 95% of the demand would be covered by 2000 vehicles; where there are 14,000 taxis are operating in the New York. The algorithm used for carpool works on the basis of the incoming requests and the company can send the ideal cars to the areas of high demand. This is the step to speed up 20% of the service. This is the first time; scientists are working on this issue. They work hard to find the fleet size, waiting time, capacity, travel delay, and operational costs for the wide range of vehicles from taxi to shuttle and vans, this system particularly suited for the autonomous cars, which reroute vehicles based on the real-time requests.

Benefits of carpooling

This service has many numbers of benefits. One of the major pros is that members of the carpool share the costs in terms of petrol, parking fees, and tolls. In addition to this, carpools relieve the congestion on roads and which in turn reduces the pollution and carbon dioxide emissions.

They reduce the driving and traffic stress for the members who are not driving the vehicle. The members take the opportunity of sharing the vehicle, which automatically reduces the car maintenance cost. In some countries, there are some carpool lanes available on highways, which make the ride faster and easier.

In Kenya, the motorists don’t seem to appreciate this service because they love being behind the wheel. For them, it is a symbol of achievement.

The main advantage if the carpooling service is it reduces the cost of the traffic jams and takes off the traffic stress from the minds of the people.

Positive participation

When it comes to the matter of sharing a ride, the first thing that comes to the mind is that what if I do when no one shares a common route as mine. Preferences of the humans differ, even the choice of perfumes differs from person to person and different people will have a different attitude. There will be arrogant, moody or too loud whereas, there will be another kind of people who are charming, loving and optimists.

Another scenario is that who will take the responsibility in case of any accident, who will be responsible for the costs, what happens if one misses the ride? And in the case, if carpooling, there will be no possibility for running the private tasks or get a ride in case of any emergencies.

There are a number of ifs and buts that arise in the minds of the people. The thing is that the system should be introduced in a well-organized manner. It should try to reduce the questions that arise in the people’s minds. It should be supervised by professionals, individuals, and organizations. Collaborating with people of different attitudes, caste and surroundings are becoming a part of our culture nowadays.

They have to adjust to the environment for a short while and should help the driver for having a safe and comfortable journey.

From the survey

For years, Uber and Lyft are in the attempt to save the world from traffic jams. A study suggests that tells that they can start to do it.

Lyft and Uber offer the carpooling services such as UberPool and Lyft Line. They can reduce 75% of the vehicles on the road. This count was released from the MIT’s survey. From the survey, it was confirmed that app based carpooling services are becoming increasingly popular. They could make the road freely available during the peak hours or on the normal hours. Most of the commuters are willing to share their rides with the strangers. By doing so, they save their money and valuable time.

Instead of transporting one at a time, drivers can try transporting two or four at a time. This will save the driver’s time also. Drivers can drive fewer trips in a less time. A system like carpooling could allow drivers to work for a short period and earn more. With the scheme like this people will also stay united. It creates clean air, less traffic, and less stressful trip.

Commuters will be stressed at the peak hours due to the traffic hassles. This reduces the stress. And make people enjoy their journey.

The study’s findings are based on the algorithm called “Rus”. The team found that 3000 cars could replace the 14,000 taxis and with this scheme, travelers could make the change without much difficulty and inconvenience. The average waiting time could be just 2.7 minutes; people can sacrifice this short period to enjoy the traffic free trip.

The study could help Uber and Lyft move towards shared rides. Where multiple passengers are going through the same way can share a ride and come in a car together. Both the companies are encouraging the passengers to use the carpooling services. These rides will definitely cost less than a normal ride. Carpooling services make the raid-hailing services an everyday option for many commuters. Uber expanded its UberPool service recently. Initially, this service was only available to Bay Area riders within San Francisco.

In the places, where UberPool is available, 20% of the Uber passengers choose carpooling as their mode of transportation. In the first half of 2016, individual rides were preferred instead of shared rides. In the case of the shared rides, the drivers would have traveled an excess 312 million miles using 6 million gallons of gas, which emitted 55,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide.

Uber’s spokeswomen said that the company is experiencing the impact of their carpooling service, UberPool. The company provides cheap rides for passengers and less congestion for cities.

Lyft said its carpooling service Line is hugely popular among their customers and it acts as a helping tool for them to build the world with less traffic and less pollution. Pollution is one of the most dangerous things in the world. Everyone in the world is affected due to pollution. It is the birthplace for many diseases. Preventing pollution should be the aim of the whole mankind.

Carpool services have their special impact in the Bay Area, where the economy was spoiled by traffic jams and the daily commute was a nightmare for many who go for work in that area.

Both Uber and Lyft are trying to reduce traffic jams and they are in the attempt to create a pollution free world. Soon many people will start to use these services.



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