Strollers and baby car seats are your friends:
If the baby is young enough, you might think that you just carry them through the whole trip. In reality, however, carrying them is neither practical nor safe. Your best option is to invest in a quality stroller and a baby car seat. Keep in mind that you’ll need the Wonderfold stroller wagon. These will allow you to bring the baby with you without any hassle. Most strollers are also fully foldable, so storing them in your car shouldn’t be an issue. One thing to keep in mind is that your baby car seat should be properly mounted. Your best option is to let a professional do the installation, so the safety of your child is pretty much guaranteed.Driving at night is the ideal way:
Driving at night is the best option for parents, and that is squarely due to one reason; the baby will be asleep at night. A sleeping baby means no crying, no meal breaks, and no diaper change breaks. Some babies like to stay up at night and sleep during the day; what can you do in that case? Well, the point still stands; you just have to adjust your driving time according to the baby’s sleeping time.However, be cautious and do not drive when drowsy. If you are driving at night, make sure that you switch drivers regularly, caffeinate, and take a rest break if necessary. If there is no way for you to drive safely at night, then driving with a crying baby is much better than putting your and your baby’s life in danger.