Filtration of transformer oil is a part of conditioning, which is essential if user expects reliable performance and durability of transformer machine. One should understand that transformer oil must be free from gases, moisture, and particles that contaminate the oil and make it unfit for the machine. On line transformer oil filtration process can help in getting pure transformer oil, which is free from contaminants and gases and ultimately, healthy for transformer and its components! Your transformer performance is highly dependent on the quality of the oil you use for it. Good quality of oil will make other components working well without any barrier.

Transformers repairing of transformer delivers great output when conducted in high ambient air humidity environment. Moreover, it is high grade of transmission network use. Because transmission companies and rule power generation organizations are unable to afford to cut energy supply for their clients, they perform on line transformer oil purification whenever required. Energizing and de-energizing of transformers results in profits and losses for their clients. It may require time to energize or de-energize that result in production process shutdown.
For short time period, Transformers manufacturers India must be disconnected from the power grid, so that it could install transformer oil purifying plant. The oil hoses need to be connected from inlet (or outlet) of the plant to transformer lower (or upper) flange. Once the installation of purifier is done, you can reconnect the transformer with power grid. You must use and install special sensors to prevent conservator oil level drop while purification process. You may also install other specialized devices on the transformer inside the oil treating plant for safety reasons. Once the work of energizing gets completed, you must disconnect the transformer from grid again to close connection of oil purifying plant.
Things You Need To Do Prior Operating Energized Transformers:
- Conduct complete DGA test (Dissolved Gas Analysis)
- Complete oil test should be done after DGA.
- Safe accessibility to transformer
- Precision design of the plant for online job
- Operator must be trained and certified for conducting energized work
- Plant needs to be earthed to the transformer
- The plant should have clean dry oil before you connect to the transformer
- Open inlet and outlet valves to drain free water and sludge
- Shut down heaters prior shutting down the plant
- Shut down the plant, disconnect power supply and hoses, and close the valves.
On line transformer oil filtration process is complex and one needs a professional to conduct it in proficient manner.