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Go in any staffroom and ask any teacher what is their biggest complaint? And half of the teachers will give different versions of the same answer that they waste more time over checking homework and papers rather than focusing on teaching. The best solution is to go paperless. Having a paperless classroom is not something new, it’s an old idea that has gained a lot of fame these days. Everybody wishes to be in a paperless classroom. There are multiple kinds of tech that can help your classroom go paperless, as paperless learning is better for the environment. If you look deeply at the question, why paperless classrooms? You will see two reasons. One reason is related to the global environment. The fewer trees will get cut and the environment will stay greener. And the second reason will be the productivity that technology brings into the classroom. The best solution to your paperless classroom is an iPad. Let’s see how:

Someone said it right, “a paperless classroom allows you to focus on the thing you’re paid to do: teach”.

It doesn’t all means that iPads are the magical solution of the education system. But changes happen according to the issues evolved. And this is why paperless classrooms become more efficient and innovative. But using iPad in class makes day to day teaching processes simpler yet effective and frees up the classwork in an earlier time than usual. In short, the iPad helps the teacher to teach in a better and proper way.

Teacher’s view

Instantly available resources

Let’s take an example of a teacher that finds a book or topic interesting enough to share it with students. But the library obviously won’t have enough copies to distribute among the students. And which leads to arrange copies and that is a total waste of time and money.

Imagine standing in a queue at a photocopy shop, gathering 30 copies of a 100 or 200 pages book which leads to one hour of stapling, followed by another hour if you realize some of the pages are stapled wrong by mistake.

Undoubtedly, after two weeks more than five of your students will lose or damage the photocopied content, and again you will stand in the line repeating the same process.

Now put all of this chaos at one side and paperless version of this by using iPad on another, you will see the difference. All of this chaos can be avoided if the iPad is used instead.

With the use of iPad hire service, sharing the resource a minute task. It takes a minute to drag and drop the desired resource to be shared and in a blink, all of the content you want to share with your students is done. And there is no chance of losing the resource as it will always be saved in your iPads. Your students can never claim that they didn’t get it as the sharing options are enough to tell if the receiver got the content or not. That’s why the iPad will be your best friend in the classroom.

Interaction with Students

Being a teacher, the use of iPads offers better interaction with students. Not everyone in your class is confident enough to raise hands and ask questions. Some of the students are extremely shy, they would never ask anything. Usage of iPad fixes that. Due to the iPad, a student can send questions and comments during your presentation. You can choose whether to help during the lecture or leave it afterward. Polling sessions can be conducted to interact with students and know if they are understanding what you are teaching. The result of polling can be posted all together so everyone can see their progress at once.

Student’s view


One important part of school life for a student is public speaking. Being a student, the use of the iPad is something you can’t avoid. Making presentations and writing a word document gets easier with iPads. You can do drawing, writing, and animation for an interactive experience. With the iPad, you can be flexible while giving a presentation. You can do all your assignments and homework easily and can share it with your teachers instantly.


The use of textbooks is inefficient and usually expensive. Having an iPad solves that problem. You must think that buying an iPad is more costly than books. But you can always rent an iPad for your purpose and give it back when done. But books are still a need for the classroom, after getting an iPad you can access textbooks over the internet. Now you don’t have to buy an iPad or either expensive books. E-books are very eco-friendly.

In short, utilization of iPads, save paper, time and money, or we can say iPad is the best friend of students and teachers in the classroom that will help students to learn effectively and teachers to teach without wasting time paper piles.



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