How to prepare for your wedding

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You have been dating for a while. You are madly in love with each other. You pop the question and she gladly accepts your proposal. It is now time to shop for those wedding rings Perth. This is when the real hassle begins. Planning a wedding has never been an easy task. Getting a venue, drafting the guest list and insufficient funds are some of the challenges that couples face. However, no need to worry anymore. For those unable to plan their wedding by themselves, they can readily hire a wedding planner.

Weddings are usually fun to attend. The beautiful bride, the delicious meals and a glamorous cake make the event unforgettable. However, majority of the guests in the wedding have no idea what happened behind the curtains. Planning a wedding can be a tedious task especially where many guests are involved and the fund are limited. Here is a simple guide that can greatly help when it comes to planning weddings.

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The first step is to start a wedding binder or folder:

The bride and the groom should start a binder. They can read through wedding magazine and websites. This is basically to give them an idea of what they would want for their big day. Some of the major categories of the binder would be venue, food and drinks, guests’ lists, the bridal team and their outfits among other issues.

Determine your budget:

How much are you willing to spend for the ceremony? Will the whole amount come from the both of you? Will your family and friends make any contribution? Where will you outsource the money? Is it from your savings or will you take a loan?

Pick a wedding party and draft your guests’ list:

As soon as you announce your engagement, it is natural for people to wonder who is in the bridal party. The number of people in the bridal party will be determined will be solely decided by the couple. After identifying the bridal party, it is time to draw the guests’ list. The number of guests attending you wedding will be determined by the funds available.

Book your dates and venues:

The couple can either decide to have the event in one location. Alternatively, the reception can be held at a totally different location.

Research and book a photographer, bands, videographer, caterers, officiant and entertainment:

This is the best time to determine whose services you will hire. Set up a meeting with them and see some of their work samples.

Cake selection, shopping for the wedding dress and bridal party outfits:

It is important to shop early for the outfits that will be worn. This will provide enough time for outfits to be made and fittings to be done. This is the ideal time to buy those wedding Rings Perth for the big day.


Send out the invitation cards and wait for the wedding:

Send out the invitation cards. On the cards include the date, time, venue and other necessary information.

A few days prior to the wedding, talk with all the involved parties (the vendors, florists, caterer and photographers). You do not want surprises on your wedding day



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