How to Lose Weight in the Most Natural Way Possible

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From strict diets to over-demanding workouts, the Internet is full of unhealthy tips on how to lose weight fast. If you have gained a couple of extra kilos, it’s easier to lose them naturally instead of fasting or working yourself to exhaustion.

Lose weigh

Here are the top 7 ways to lose weight in the most natural manner possible.

Be(come) active all the time

Hitting the gym and taking up a sport are greats ways of losing weight. However, your mission is not over after you leave the gym, as you should be active all the time. For instance, cycle to work instead of driving a car.

When you arrive at work, walk past the elevator and take the stairs to your office. While working at your desk, take short breaks every 45 minutes or so to stretch your legs. Back at home, indulge your kids and play hide and seek with them instead of watching TV together.

The changes to your daily routine listed above might not seem like much but when combined they alone are enough to deem your lifestyle as active.

Changing your diet

The saying “you are what you eat” couldn’t be more true in the case of obese people. If you are unwilling to change your eating habits and wish to stuff yourself with junk food every other day, then leading an active lifestyle will be fruitless.

Your new diet should be healthier and more importantly, well-balanced. Contrary to the advice you might read online, avoiding certain food groups altogether will not help you lose weight in a healthy manner.

Seeing a nutritionist is a good idea, as you require a diet specially suited to your metabolism, weight, age, sex, genetics, medical history, etc. We are more different than we think, so there is no universal diet that will suit every person on the planet.

Having meals delivered to your doorstep

The decision to change your diet is fairly easy but actually cooking healthy meals is a lot harder. There are so many ingredients and meals you have to learn about that you will think it’s not worth the effort.

Luckily, there are home delivery meals from My Fitness Kitchn that arrive at your doorstep fresh. This way, you get to enjoy delicious healthy food without wasting time on cooking. After the first couple of orders, your family members might want more than one bite of that delicious creamy chicken with fettuccine.

Substitute dark coffee with green tea

Billions of people worldwide cannot imagine their morning without a hot cup of coffee. Admittedly, coffee has a special aura but it’s not the healthiest way to start your day. The caffeine rush, especially when you drink coffee on an empty stomach produces acid in the stomach.

For all coffee addicts out there, it’s hard finding a substitute for their favorite hot beverage. However, unsweetened green tea is the ideal alternative, as it packs a punch due to its high caffeine content.

On the other side, it is rich in antioxidants, which are your body’s foot soldiers in the battle against obesity.

The fun factor

Trying to lose weight becomes tiring after a while. For this reason, you need to keep morale high by doing something fun and healthy at the same time.

For example, if you are meeting a friend you haven’t seen in a while, ask them to go for a walk with you and catch up on old times. This is way healthier than visiting a coffee shop and sitting idly for hours.

You have to be flexible

For people who have been inactive for months and years, the worst course of action is to adopt a “do or die” stance towards weight loss. They usually get off to a good start but soon give up, as they have not seen any results after a couple of weeks.

On the other side, we have busy folks who genuinely want to lose weight but don’t have enough free time. First they skip one gym appointment, then the next, and it all goes downhill from there. In terms of motivation, you should be flexible and fall between the two categories.

Clear your schedule so you have at least an hour a day to exercise but don’t go to the gym twice a day, for example. In the case of weight loss, easy does it.

The power of herbs

Nature’s gift to us are various herbs that help us lose weight. Some of these include oregano, ginseng, black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, etc. These herbs are considered natural supplements which aid weight loss better than pharmaceuticals.

As you might have noticed, most of the herbs listed above have a strong taste. Spicy food, for example, also helps you lose weight, so you might want to incorporate one spicy dish on your daily menu.

Losing weight in a natural way consists of two actions: becoming physically active and dieting right. If you are ready to change your diet and to start using the stairs instead of the elevators, you are likely to lose those extra kilos for good.
Tags: health / diet / lose weight



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