How to Avoid traffic Fines in Dubai

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Dubai is known for the busy roads, expensive cars and the roads that are meant for adventure and speed. With so much beauty around you, it can often get difficult to keep your head in the game and this is why most people end up breaking the common traffic laws. However, given the vigilant traffic police the city has, anyone who has been there once would agree, that getting away with such irresponsible acts is not possible.

In case you are served with a traffic fine, be informed that it is not just the fun that is taking the blow but your driving record as well. So, it is important that you not only drive carefully but also work the right way to avoid such fines at all cost. In case you have issues, do look in to know more about best rental cars Dubai.
To help the matters or those who are new in the city, we have listed down 5 of the best ways that can help you avoid such traffic fines.

Put away that phone

An overall analysis of the road and the accidents that take place has revealed that most of such incidents occur as a result of the mobile usage. We are just so occupied with the digital world, that detaching ourselves from it even while doing something as important as driving is not possible for us anymore. The first rule of driving, if you look back at the first ever driving lesson you took, was to keep your focus on the road. You certainly can’t do that if you are constantly checking your mobile for messages, WhatsApp notifications, Fb updates and so on.
Put away that phone and then drive. You will find yourself encountering fewer problems on the road. All these notifications can wait. If caught, you can be fined 12 black points, an amount as high as AED 1000, along with the risk of them seizing your vehicle for the whole month.

Don’t speed away

Do you know what the authorities hate more than traffic violations? You running away. This is why it is suggested that instead of speeding away you stop and face your consequences. The staff there will ultimately catch you and when that happens you will have to pay a fine of AED 1000, if it is a heavy vehicle you are driving and AED 800, if it is a light one. Moreover, you will also be fined black points: 12 for light and 16 for the heavy vehicles.

Never drink and drive

This is not something only the Dubai authorities prohibit but is a universal rule all over. It not only risks your life but those around too. This is why if you are drunk or under substance influence, it is suggested that you hire a car in Dubai to take you to your destination. If caught here is what you will face:

    • Fine of AED 2000

    • Jail time

    • 23 black points

    • Seizure of vehicle for 2 months

Do not over speed

Speeding on the perfect roads, sure has its thrills but you wouldn’t want to get carried away with the temptation. If you exceed the speed limit by 80 km/hr, you will be fined around AED 3000 along with 23 black points. If this wasn’t enough, your vehicle will also be retained for 60 days. This is definitely not a price worth paying for an excitement of a few minutes.

Do not cross the lines

Lines are there to be followed and respected. When driving try to stay in your lane and follow the rules. Unnecessary lane changes can lead to accidents and serious consequences. It can result in four black points along with a fine of AED 1000 for you.
Dubai sure is fun but it is very strict about its driving rules. If you have issues with your driving skills, it is suggested that you hire a car in Dubai for your traveling. If you plan on staying longer, looking into the option of car rental Dubai is definitely worth it too. Reckless driving not only endangers your life but of all others too who are on the road with you. So, make sure you drive responsibly and avoid any such fines by the authorities.



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