How to adapt your accommodation in case of disability

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Anyone with a severe disability following an accident must learn to live differently very quickly. Moreover, it is possible to facilitate this transition by adapting the environment of a person with a disability. We are of course referring to home or place of life. In this article, we will give some ways to create a home adapted, including through home automation.

remote control

Taking needs into account

Disability situations can be very varied. In this sense, needs will also vary from one person to another. However, even paraplegics can maintain their independence in a converted home. Home automation can then greatly facilitate everyday life. Indeed, everyday tasks can require a lot of effort for a paraplegic person. For example, turning lights on and off, raising and lowering blinds are more complicated actions for someone in a wheelchair. By automating this, or by making it possible with a single remote control, things are much easier. For example, CaryMart can advise you on the installation of suitable equipment before installing it.

Interior design

In addition to home automation, you will certainly need to rethink the layout of your interior space. Indeed, it is important to limit the dangers and facilitate everyday actions. In this way, autonomy can be maintained. For example, if a bathtub were installed, replacing it with an Italian shower would be wise. Some equipment may also come in handy as a retractable shower seat. To stay in the bathroom, it may also be necessary to adjust the height of the sink so that it can be used in a sitting position. The WC, kitchen and all the rooms of the dwelling must be redesigned to improve daily comfort.

Services at home

In addition to a suitable accommodation, you can relieve yourself of a number of daily chores. We are referring, for example, to the household or the kitchen. Indeed, instead of doing this yourself, it is possible to call on a domestic help. In addition, you can opt for delivery of meal trays at home. This will make things a lot easier for you. And if you want to continue doing the maximum by yourself, then you can find the right compromise and delegate what is most difficult to achieve.

Financial assistance

Finally, you should know that the layout of your home can represent a significant investment. To cope with this, you can then benefit from various aids. First of all, you can count on a tax credit if you meet the conditions for obtaining it. Second, the Disability Compensation Benefit (PCH) can help you finance your facilities. In parallel, you can turn to ANAH, the National Agency for Housing Improvement. Or, under certain conditions, you can benefit from a personalized autonomy allowance.

In any case, the essential thing is to be accompanied as well as possible to learn to live differently and as comfortable as possible.



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