A power transformer is a type of transformer that is used in electrical circuits to transfer electrical energy from the generator to the distributed primary circuits. The Power transformers India are utilized in an electrical distribution system to convert step-up voltage into the step-down voltage. The generation of electrical power in low voltage level is incredibly cost effective. This low voltage electrical power may be transmitted to the receiving end theoretically. But if this low voltage power is transmitted then it will lead to larger line current that so causes a lot of line losses. However, if the voltage level of the electrical power is increased, the value of the current of the electrical power is reduced that causes a decrease in the I²R losses or Ohmic losses within the system, which further reduces the cross-sectional area of the windings. And thus, it reduces the cost of the system and it conjointly improves the voltage regulation of the system.

Therefore, a low voltage electrical power should be stepped up for economic power transmission. In general, this is done by a step-up transformer in an electrical network at the sending side. As this high voltage power might not be distributed to the customers directly, this should be stepped right down to the required level at the consumer end with the assistance of step down transformer. Thus, the power transformers play an important role in electrical power transmission.
The power transformers, at high power levels, may vary from one voltage to another. They are utilized in various electrical and electronic circuits and are also available in different categories depending upon the applications and functions. The functions of these electrical power transformers are transmitting and distributing the Transformers repairing . The power transformers are widely utilized in industrial plants, power plants, and other electrical companies. As compared to the Distribution Transformers, the power transformers have a larger size. Since, the power transformers are only used in the transmission network and therefore are not directly connected to the end consumers, unlike the distribution transformers.
While designing or constructing a power transformer, one should take care that it will utilize the core part for the maximum level of power transmission and should work pretty near the knee point of the B-H characteristic curve. Generally, the power transformers have iron and copper losses in the winding and the core respectively at higher loads as no ideal transformer exists in this world having no loss.