Can people change their Lifestyle if COVID-19 Isn't under control?

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‘With no alternative people have to change life-style and live with invisible virus’

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Can people change their lifestyle if Covid-19 isn’t under control, truly a big subject that the wide-world is facing at present crises? The rules and agenda made by affected nations to control the spread of invisible virus, have failed in most countries.

Where few countries have succeeded to a certain extent in controlling the coronavirus spread to a minimum percentage. But still needs more effort to be done, however, all the world is desperately trying to find a solution. Thus, to fight against the present deadly invisible virus, thereby it will not get strong and finally weaken and disappear. Subsequently, all the world will remain safe from the pandemic as it was before, and continue their normal daily life.

At present, from the news and information from WHO (World Health Organization), it has declared that Covid-19 will stay around.

For at least a minimum of two more years, and thus together with the pandemic have to live hand in hand.

As a result, all humans around the world have to face the struggle and learn to survive. No matter how tough the situation may arise, we have to find a new way of life to live on.

Since the past centuries people have overcome depression, various types of disease, and epidemics, history will repeat again for good.

Furthermore, it is a natural calamity that has happened before in the past centuries or each era in human life. Maybe it might be a good lesson or hints at the call of nature, to change our way of daily life.

How people will change their lifestyle along with present pandemic

The world has been fighting against invisible coronavirus for the last eight months and still continues without a victory over Covid-19. Millions of dollars have been spent trying to find effective measures for a cure such as a vaccine against the deadly virus. Hence, no medicine has been invented so far to heal the world's large population, however life has to go on. With or without the danger of Covid-19, people's daily life will dramatically change likewise keeping safe distance.

Wearing a mask will become a daily necessity and important from now and then till the pandemic is 100 % eradicated. Likewise, people will be fully aware of health and hygiene from now on taking care of staying away from the crowd. Keeping social distance with other people, friends, and as well from far relatives will continue till effective vaccination is discovered.

In comparison to previous years before the pandemic took over the world, people's habits and daily routines took different turns. However, some businesses will suffer from a lack of people gathering in major public places like the cinema hall, musical concert and so on.

The code of conduct will be strict as safety measures, especially in working places, government or private office and organization. Likewise, mass gatherings of the public will not take place for many years, like important festivals and religious events. Furthermore, sports will be much affected such as football, crickets or any other games. Where the crowd of spectators will be less or none to watch and cheer their favorite teams in live-action.

Great change of people lifestyle to survive along with Coronavirus

Masks, gloves, head cover, face shield will come into use as safety measures, and might become a trend and fashionable. It will be such a change that even young children will be much more careful about going out or to school. Without proper gear to guard against the invisible deadly enemy, no one will be allowed to enter in public places.

Whereas in some western world stylish mask and face shield has come into daily life and into fashion. All necessary items needed to wear for one and as well for other safety will be the topmost priority.  A person without a mask will be an odd figure and will be discriminated against by society. Where every person needs to carry hand sanitizer for personal use and one safety, where some places do not have.

Handshake will be forbidden, will remain as a taboo for a long time till cure comes around to save the world. The effect of Covid-19 will change the habits of people in daily life, where washing hands frequently will be practiced. The economy and living standard will change especially for middle-class people or families, as the earning will be limited. Most people have to survive in what they earn with minimum income, lifestyle will transform to basic and simple living.

However, life goes on hand in hand along with Covid-19 around, thus keeping in mind the safety measures. Greetings from each other and as well local culture will change also to be on the safe side from the coronavirus.

People can travel around changing a few lifestyle due to Covid-19

However, people can travel around the various countries which are safe to visit, whereby then all had changed their lifestyle. Likewise, maintaining a safe distance and keeping fit with exercise, having meals that boost immunity power from Covid-19 or other diseases.

The most badly affected business in the whole world is tourism, Like Trekking in  Nepal besides other touristic destinations around the world. Nepal and other Himalayan countries have been in the worst situation, where 60 % majority of people depend on tourism. Where all travelers visiting foreign countries have to follow strict norms as per respective government health policy.

Great change of people's lifestyle and habits have affected tourism around the world, and will remain for quite a while. Where all tourists have to face new laws and require to carry extra safety kit while visiting a foreign land.

The norms and policy around most countries of travel will be almost similar but with few differences as per restrictions. Likewise, staying in quarantine for a minimum of 3 days or more, as well as carrying health / medical reports from your doctors.

For instance medical certificate proving that you are fit and able to travel depending upon the respective country situation from Covid-19.

Where travelers must guarantee the risk of catching coronavirus will be on their own sole responsibility, which can happen anytime and anywhere.

Various formalities for travelers by many countries will continue, for many years till Covid-19 is under control or disappears. As a result, people will be more health-conscious and will change their habits, lifestyle over the years for good.
Tags: lifestyle



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