3 Tips to Skyrocket Your E-commerce Sales Using Instagram

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Did you know that 68 percent of Instagram followers interact and engage with their favorite brands? The engagement is not more than 32 percent on social networking sites like Facebook. Based on the findings of TrackMaven research, the engagement ratio, interactions for each post and every 1,000 followers is eight times more on Instagram compared to other social media platforms. Again, according to an article published on https://www.huffingtonpost.com, posts on this photo-sharing platform receive 308 percent more engagement compared to Facebook and 1,313 percent more than Twitter. Therefore, when you have these numbers before you, why not boost your online sales through Instagram? So if you want to generate more e-commerce sales through this photo-sharing site, here are three ways to do so:

  1. Pre-load Your Marketing Content

There is no point signing into your Instagram account every few hours. Why do so when you can schedule your marketing content for the month? Start by pre-loading all content using media marketing tools. The tools will make sure that you do not forget to load your Instagram profile with relevant, high-quality content at periodic intervals to keep your potential customers hooked. Remember to send each update from the Instagram app. You will also find other tools with innate features to drive maximum traffic through your content. Some of these tools post your updates more than once. However, you will need to post content yourself because the Instagram API does not let these tools to post content on your behalf. During festive seasons or special occasions, you can readjust your schedule to engage maximum users and have as many Instagram followers to your credit.

  1. Create Engaging Content

To generate more e-commerce sales using Instagram, create high-quality content because that is the fodder for driving maximum engagement with your targeted customers. Use Canva to produce engaging content relevant to your merchandise. Do not forget the hashtags. Make sure that all images you create are 1080 x 1080 pixels with captions not more than 2,200 characters. These characters include the Instagram handle as well. However, it’s eliminated in the feed after three lines of copy. Your profile image that shows on the home page is 110 x 110 pixels.

  1. Decide on the Time to Engage with Your Followers

Only posting quality content will not help you boost e-commerce sales. Remember Instagram is a social site with user-generated content. Therefore, you should reply to followers on the photo-sharing platform through comments. Do not log into your Instagram account every couple of minutes to see new notifications. It will not give you any tangible outcome through frequent log-ins. Develop a system instead to respond to your followers’ comments and content by defining a specific time limit daily.


You can generate e-commerce sales through Instagram without spending much. Therefore, leverage this photo-sharing platform to hook your targeted audience who loves to shop online. So if you have an e-store, implement the three tips to get the desired results. Do not forget to monitor how you are performing. Within a month or so, you will have the required sales data that you have produced.



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